Clever Tips on How to Study Faster

Studying faster means studying with more focus. That sounds logical and obvious, but only every third student completes his studies within the standard period of study. Why? Because most of them don’t follow this simple rule. Most students act aimlessly and without orientation. They “just do it” and “let things come to you”.

But there is another way. It’s faster. These tips will help you.

Tip #1: Plan Your Studies!

Many students waste their time just drifting with the flow. Without a basic concept, they doze off from semester to semester – and if you’re not careful, so will you. Without a plan, you just live and study to yourself. The problem with this is that at some point you lose control. You then only save yourself from deadline to deadline and miss one important assignment deadline after another. Of course, you always have a paper writing service available to help you not miss important deadlines.

A plan separates successful students from less successful students. A plan makes the difference between standard study time and long-term study. Without a plan, you’ll always be mediocre, while with a little bit of thinking ahead, you can easily aim for a 1er average. You then procrastinate less and work focused on your goals. The better you manage and plan your time, the more time you save when completing tasks. With just one minute of planning, you save an average of ten minutes of your working time – every time

Tip #2: Know Your Options!

A course of study is not just a request but is determined by fixed framework conditions. This includes parameters such as the standard period of study, module selection options, or examination guidelines. All these rules are described and explained in your examination regulations. And you need to know these rules if you want to study efficiently and quickly. You need to know the rules of the game for your studies and what options are available to you.

As a study advisor, I often experience that students read their examination regulations either only superficially, sometimes partially, or not at all. There is no more careless way of jeopardizing your own academic success. Your examination regulations are one of the most important documents of your entire university career. You have to know what principles your studies are based on, otherwise, you will inevitably make stupid mistakes that will cost you time and energy.

Tip #3: Optimize Your Study Plan!

In almost all degree programs there is a general suggestion as to which modules you should take in which semester. This compilation is referred to as a study plan and is one of the most useful tools to be able to study successfully. A study plan is the common thread in your studies and ensures that you keep an overview. As a rule, however, the design of such a plan is very standardized and therefore offers potential for optimization. Additionally, employing a professional writing service can significantly optimize your time usage.

I don’t mean that you should throw your university’s official course plan overboard. I mean that you should adapt it to your individual needs and improve it so that you can study faster. For example, you can bring some modules forward or postpone them to later semesters; you can combine modules in such a way that you can use synergy effects when learning. And you can choose your university events in such a way that you make optimal use of your weekly timetable or even your final examination phase. In this way, you can use your freedom and realize the full potential of the modules your university offers.

Tip #4: Be Productive – Not Busy!

Many students are constantly busy: They diligently sort their documents, summarize books and scripts, and research like crazy. They do something – but in the end, it doesn’t do them any good! You are busy but not productive. Because there is a huge difference between these two states. When you’re busy, you’re just wasting your time – when you’re productive, you’re using it.

If you want to study faster, just being busy is not enough. So if you’re wondering why you always fall short of your potential while studying and don’t get much done otherwise, then maybe it’s because you fill your time with unnecessary things that don’t get you any closer to your goals. For example, if you want to pass a subject with an A before the comma, but it takes you three hours to update your folder labels and Google five little definitions, you’ll be in the hall of fame for the least productive student of all time.

This has little to do with efficiency. Something unimportant does not become important by doing it very well. Therefore, ask yourself at regular intervals whether what you are doing is important. Does it get you further? Or do you get lost in details and waste time? I prefer to work a little less – but more focused and productive.

Tip #5: Don’t Work On The Side!

I know many students who work alongside their studies. Some because they want to gain practical experience – but mostly because they have to in order to finance their livelihood. I belonged to the latter group and financed my studies myself through various part-time jobs. But a job alongside your studies costs energy, concentration, and time. Those who work alongside their studies have to make cutbacks and often cannot concentrate 100 percent on their student duties. The result: the study period is extended. Not always, but sometimes.

You’re probably thinking, “But I need the money. I have to work, you #*$§#$!“. Yes, I believe you need the money. But it’s not true that you have to have a part-time job for that. Of course, you can work for your money – that’s honorable and exemplary. But you don’t have to do it while studying. There are other financing options that you should at least take a look at.

In addition to government funding, there are hundreds of scholarship programs that pay out millions to students every semester. The curious thing is that a large part of the funds are not called up because the potential recipients do not dare to approach the respective grant. They either don’t know their way around, don’t find out about suitable funding, or think they’re too bad.

There is also the option of taking out a student loan. Yes, that sounds terribly binding at first and I don’t want to encourage you to recklessly get into debt. But let’s look at it objectively: educational loans from state or development banks are often offered at low-interest rates and in long term.

Some loans are even interest-free. If you do NOT have to work alongside your studies thanks to a loan, you can concentrate on your studies with all your energy. You will finish one, maybe two semesters earlier and thus earn a good academic salary six or twelve months earlier. This means you can easily repay the loan and, bottom line even does a good deal. Do the math – just for fun.


Everyone can step up their game and study faster. It is not always sensible or desirable – but it is possible. And it’s not particularly difficult. The ten tips above have shown that a few simple approaches and easily implemented strategies can lead to good results.

The only important thing is that you are clear about what you expect from your studies. Do you see your studies as a chore that you want to get over as quickly as possible? Or do you prefer to savor your time at university and enjoy puff after puff? Both options are fine – all you have to do is make a decision and then adjust your actions accordingly with the help of

Even if you count yourself among the connoisseurs, it doesn’t hurt if you value efficient studies. Good grades and a short duration of study do not have to be in conflict with interesting content and sufficient free time. It’s all a matter of organization and your study strategy. And the sooner you deal with it, the more you ultimately get from your studies.

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