5 Ways to Force Quit an App in Mac OS X [GUIDE]

Mac OS X is one of the largest best operating software in the world and made its image to a good quality of product but even this best operating software has some problem of freezing the apps some time. Whenever this type of problem occur the standard methods of app quit to stop working. This problem make user think negative about this operating software and they need the instant result to solve this problem through any tools or robotic help to force close or reset the frozen app. Some time the operating software X is in working functional at back hand but the app is frozen. In this situation you need to force close the app instead of restart whole system or direct power disconnect on desktop PC’s, we have the same best method which can help you in this situation to quit the app in OSX and break the barrier of frozen apps.

5 Ways to Force Quit an App in Mac OS X [GUIDE]

We have some best way which can definitely help you to close the frozen app in the Mac OSX

1# Activity Monitor

2# The Dock

3# Keyboard Shortcut

4# The Force Quit Window

5# The ‘Kill’ Command in Terminal

Now we will discuss in detail these above best way to force stop the frozen app in OSX one by one.

5 Quick Ways to Force Quit an App in Mac OS X

1# Activity Monitor:

Force Quit an App in Mac OS X [GUIDE]

The Action Monitor application offers an abundance of data about the present status of your Macintosh, its assets, and your app’s, yet it additionally enables you to drive stop any solidified applications. Simply find the application in the procedures list (imply: you can utilize the search box enclose the upper-right bit of the window to channel the rundown), select it to feature it, and after that press the X catch in the upper-left part of the window.

You’ll be given two choices: Quit and Power Quit. On the off chance that conceivable, attempt Quit starting with, as this will endeavour to stop the application and save client information smoothly. If that falls flat, utilize Power Quit, which will act on a same route from the means said above.

2# The Dock:

Force Quit an App in Mac OS X [GUIDE]

Ordinarily, when you right-click on a running app in the OS X Dock, you see an alternative to “Quit.” This may not work with a solidified application, in any case. To constrain quit an application, hold the Alternative key on your console while you right-click on the application’s Dock symbol and you’ll see that “Quit” is presently “Power Quit.” Snap it to constrain quit the application.

Make sure to take note of that there’s no notice when you compel quit an application, and that the standard thing “save” prompts don’t show up before the application is shut. Along these lines, be watchful when you make your determination, and twofold check to guarantee you’re compel stopping the right solidified use. In the event that you incidentally force quit an application you’re working in, you’ll lose any unsaved information or changes.

3# Keyboard Shortcut:

Force Quit an App in Mac OS X [GUIDE]

You can straightforwardly force quit an application through a console (keyboard) easy route, with no of the interceding steps said in the past techniques above. This may along these lines appear to be the best and most clear technique, however there’s a reason it’s recorded here last. Utilizing the console (keyboard) alternate way beneath will quickly constrain quit the dynamic, or preeminent, application. The issue is that it’s simple to forget about which application is dynamic, particularly when giving at least one frozen or lethargic applications. In this manner, this strategy is the most dangerous from an information is fortune point of view, as it’s unquestionably likely that a client will commit an error and unintentionally drive stop the wrong application.

Be that as it may, if you comprehend this hazard and are cautious, this power quit alternate route is the speediest strategy. To utilize it, ensure the solidified application is dynamic and press and hold Summon Alternative Move Escape (you’ll see this is the Power Quit Window easy route with the Move enter modifier tossed in). Likewise, with other power quit techniques, the dynamic application will promptly be constrained quit.

4# The Force Quit Window:

Force Quit an App in Mac OS X [GUIDE]

Mac OS X has a unique window committed to dealing with applications that should be drive stopped. You can get to this window two different ways, to begin with, by tapping the Apple logo in the Menu Bar and choosing Force Quit. On the other hand, you can raise this same window by utilizing the console alternate route Command-Option-Escape.

The window will show every running application, and relate to red content any applications that are “not responding.” Simply feature an application and tap the Power Quit catch to stop it. As said over, there’s no notice when you force quit an application, so be watchful as you make your determination.

5# The ‘Kill’ Command in Terminal:

Force Quit an App in Mac OS X [GUIDE]

On the off chance that you favor an command line technique to managing inert applications, you can utilize the ‘execute’ command in Terminal. To utilize this technique, you’ll have to decide the application’s Procedure ID (PID), a numeric esteem that OS X uses to monitor every interesting application. The simplest method to discover an application’s PID is by means of Movement Screen, where it will be recorded in the PID segment. In case you’re utilizing Action Screen to discover the PID, in any case, you should utilize it to constrain quit the application, as portrayed beforehand.

Rather, you can utilize the ‘top’ command to produce a rundown of running procedures right in Terminal. You can utilize modifiers to arrange the rundown by client characterized criteria. On the off chance that your application is solidified, there’s a decent shot that it’s gobbling up CPU assets, so a decent arranging technique to begin with is ‘CPU.’ Open another Terminal window and sort the following command: [top – o cpu]

A rundown of every single running application and procedures will show up in Terminal, requested by current CPU use. We should utilize iTunes as the illustration. It’s recorded at the best (since it’s as of now devouring CPU assets) and its procedure ID is 5472.

Note: PIDs are one of a kind to every condition, and OS X creates another PID each time an application is run. That implies that the PID will change each time a request is propelled, and it’s relatively sure that iTunes all alone Macintosh will have an alternate PID.

With the procedure ID currently distinguished, press Q to stop best, or open another Terminal session, and sort the accompanying to drive stop the application: {kill [PID]}

In our iTunes illustration, we’d type: kill 5472

Press Return to execute the command and your application will be drive stopped.


[toggle title=”Q: What is the shortcut to force entirely on a Mac?”]Mac OS X has an extraordinary window devoted to taking care of applications that should be drive stopped. You can get to this window two different ways, to begin with, by tapping the Apple logo in the Menu Bar and choosing Force Quit. On the other hand, you can raise this same window by utilizing the console (keyboard) alternate way Command-Option-Escape.[/toggle]

[toggle title=”Q: If Mac is freezes what should we do to unfreeze?”]To get the Mac drag the cursor to the base of the screen to see the Dock. This may take a few seconds when the Macintosh is inert. On the off chance that the Dock comes up, hold down the “Option” key and tap the symbol for the frozen app until the point that a pop-up menu shows up. Select “Force Quit” or “Quit” to kill the frozen app.[/toggle]

[toggle title=”When Mac is frozen?”]You normally won’t need to reboot or Restart. On the off chance that Power Quit doesn’t safeguard you out, take a stab at rebooting the PC. On the off chance that a solidified Mac keeps you from tapping the Restart order on the Apple menu, hold down the power button for a few seconds or press the Control + Command keys and afterward press the power button.[/toggle]

[toggle title=”Q: What is the method to force quite an application on a Mac?”]Pick Power Quit from the Apple (?) menu or press Command-Option-Esc. This is like squeezing Control-Alt-Delete on a PC. Select the application in the Power Quit window; at that point click Power Quit.[/toggle]

[toggle title=”Q:  How to stop the wheel of death on a Mac?”]Tap the Apple symbol in the upper left corner. Pick Power Quit (or press cmd+alt+esc). Select the application that won’t react. Snap Power Quit. [/toggle]

[toggle title=”Q: Do you know how to restart a frozen MAC?”]In the event that you can’t interface with the Apple menu, squeeze Command-Control-Eject. This trains Mac OS to restart quickly. In the event, if that doesn’t work then press and hold the Power button on your Mac until the point when it turns off. Press and discharge the power button to turn it back once more.[/toggle]

[toggle title=”Q: What is the Control Alt Delete on a Mac?”]Not at all like PCs, be that as it may, doesn’t Mac OS utilize the run of the mill Ctrl-Alt-Delete key blend to Power Stop solidified projects. In the event that an application hangs up on you on your new Mac, simply take after these basic advances: 1. Press Command-Option-Esc on the console (keyboard) to open the Power Quit Applications window.[/toggle]


In some cases equipment issues or significant OS X bugs cause so much insecurity that the best way to get your Mac up and running again is to reboot. Missing those moderately uncommon conditions, be that as it may, you ought to be effectively ready to control any solidified or getting out of hand applications by drive stopping them by means of one of the strategies above. Simply make certain to spare your work when conceivable and twofold check your means to abstain from stopping the wrong application.


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