How To Get YouTube 1000 Subscribers Free?

Monetizing your YouTube channel isn’t as easy as you think. You won’t be able to earn right from your first video unless it goes viral and you meet the eligibility but that’s a thing for a different day. Acquiring 1000 subscribers on YouTube is one of the criteria for you to be able to monetize your content with AdSense.

But, as a new YouTuber, acquiring 1000 subscribers isn’t easy. It comes with a lot of challenges when you come to think of it. What if the algorithm doesn’t push your content? What if you don’t get your videos to the target audience? The issues are relentless.

This article will further take you through all the tips you can implement to reach the 1000 subscribers threshold on YouTube to monetize your channel.

Is it Justified to buy YouTube Subscribers?

If you are desperate about monetizing your content on YouTube, chances are that you will think of buying subscribers to reach that 1000 subscribers threshold.

When you are buying bot subscribers, it might get you to 1000 subscribers but be assured that your viewership entirely depends on the content you are posting. This means that if your content isn’t relevant, buying subscribers won’t do you any good.

Also, YouTube’s foul engagement policy might detect that you have bought the subscribers and might end up banning the account for good. This is the last thing you want when you are embarking on your YouTube journey.

Ways to get 1000 Subscribers on YouTube

Acquiring a dedicated viewership on YouTube isn’t as easy as you think. There are a lot of factors at play, especially with the quality of the view, social media presence, and also the content you are posting.

To make things easier for you, we have sorted a few tips you can follow to reach 1000 subscribers:

Ask people to subscribe

Actions speak louder than words and that applies to you asking people to subscribe to your channel. Many people miss out on this particular trick but if you aren’t asking your viewers to subscribe, nine out of ten times, they won’t.

Asking people to subscribe might seem salesy and monotonous but it works, so why wouldn’t you want to tap into it? You can either ask at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end of the video.

Demonstrate why people should subscribe and if you are good with editing, flash the subscribe button when you are saying that.

Verify the Google account

YouTube allows you to post content that is 15 minutes long if your channel isn’t Google verified. Hence, if you plan to post long-format content, it goes without saying that you need to complete the verification.

The benefit of a longer video is not only better watch time but if the video is interactive, you have more chances of securing subscribers, which is a bonus.

You can verify your YouTube account by visiting It requires you to be on your PC, so ensure that is sorted as well.

Build a community

Even on YouTube, people can grow their subscribers using word-of-mouth marketing. If you have started building a viewership on the platform, engaging with them and appreciating them for their support is a great way to get them on your side and help you get the word out.

Building a community on YouTube might sound cheesy and boring but it works. If you want to reach the 1000 subscribers threshold, you have to engage with the few subscribers you have now.

Ensure channel branding is on point

The icon and the banner of your YouTube video make a huge difference. If a new viewer comes across your YouTube channel and you have a dull channel icon and banner, they will not prefer clicking it and watching your videos.

Instead, you have to include a channel branding that’s interactive, bright, and vivid too. The last thing that you want is to drive potential viewers out because they aren’t satisfied or attracted to the channel’s branding.

Make use of the custom channel trailer

As a beginner YouTuber, you are missing out if you don’t have a custom channel trailer on your YouTube Channel. It does make a lot of difference, especially concerning the viewership. Having the trailer in place ensures that your target audience knows what they can expect from your channel.

This lets them decide early on whether subscribing would be a good choice or not, further adding to your subscriber base.

Pay attention to the thumbnails

If you aren’t prioritizing the quality of your thumbnails, you are missing out on views and subscribers there as well. When creating a thumbnail, you want to ensure that the dimensions are in place and also the quality of the images you are including in the thumbnail is of good quality.

Consistent branding on the thumbnails also creates a sense of reliability among the viewers. So, the more they watch your videos, the better your chances of landing a decent and dedicated subscriber base on the platform.

Update the playlist tab

This is another underrated tip that most people don’t pay attention to. If you have multiple videos that can be arranged into playlists, do so. This makes your videos easy to find and ensures that your audience has easy access to the videos they want to engage with.

Treat the playlist as a mini channel and keep updating them every time you post a new video. This instills reliability in your account, thereby increasing the chances of showing on other people’s feeds and gaining more subscribers in the long run.

Run a contest or giveaway

People love free stuff, so why not make the most out of it? If you are looking for some quick ways to earn a dedicated subscriber base, running a giveaway contest is a great choice. This will not only get people to subscribe to your channel, it is bound to increase your viewership too.

In the long run, conduct small giveaways frequently until you have formed a dedicated community on your channel. You also want to ask people to turn on your channel’s notifications, so that every time you post a new video, they will be intimated.


Reaching 1000 subscriber count isn’t as complicated as you thought. Following the right tricks and having a set strategy in place is a great way to navigate through the roadblocks and reach that goal. All we’d recommend you do is ask people to subscribe and implement the tips we have sorted for you here.



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