How to Install GPS Phone Tracker on Phone

GPS phone tracker enables you to track the phone connected to GPS or any other device connected to GPS.

Global positioning system or GPS is a navigation system. Tracking any device connected to it becomes easy. The device could be your phone, car any other device.

GPS Phone Tracker

What is a GPS tracker on phone?

GPS tracking is simple and is pretty useful in locating your stolen devices like smartphones, tabs, or vehicles connected to GPS.

When your phone is equipped with GPS, it becomes pretty easy. You can use it for taking your kids who have smartphones, you can track your employees or your suspicious spouse.

How Hoverwatch phone tracker works?

Hoverwatch app has a great mobile phone tracker feature. It helps you determine the location of the target device. You can do it by logging to your account. In Hoverwatch, it is a geolocation feature.

How it works

The phone tracker uses Wi-Fi signal, GPS, and cell phone towers – all combined to locate the target device.

Do I need any special knowledge to install and use the phone tracker?

Installing the GPS phone tracker in your Android phone is pretty easy. You don’t need to have any technical skill. Rooting the phone before you go to install the app in the target phone is not necessary.

You can view the data of the target device on any of your Internet-connected devices. You will also know all the places that have been travelled by the device user. In other words, you can know all the places where the target device user has gone.

Once I install the GPS tracker, can the target user come to know about its presence?

Once you install the GPS phone tracker, the target cell phone user may not know that they are being monitored. To ensure confidentiality, you can use phone tracker like Hoverwatch.

This phone tracker remains hidden in the target phone and will track GPS on the phone. However, the target phone user will not be able to know that they’re being tracked by GPS.

You can know what is going on the target phone – you can log in to your web account and see. So, stay with peace of mind you are not going to be traced by the target for the user.

Can I be traced back if I install the Hoverwatch on some other phone?

It’s important to note that Hoverwatch phone tracker that you can install in another phone provided you have the physical access to it. This, you can do by secretly getting the phone physically and install in it Hoverwatch.

Alternatively, you can take the permission of the user and install it.

In the case of Hoverwatch, you need to do it secretly once you. The target phone user will never know that they are being tracked by you.

GPS Phone Tracker

If you seek approval of the person whose smartphone you wish to track, they will be aware of it and this is a different situation.

If you wish to spy on your teen kids, instead of secretly installing the app in their smartphones, you’d better discuss with them the matter. Do let them know that you are going to track them online by installing Hoverwatch app.

I don’t have physical access to the target phone. Can I still use Realtime-Spy?

If you cannot access the target phone you can do thus:

Call on the target mobile phone.

Once you get the access code, you enter it in the spying app that you have in your phone. This will enable you to access the device remotely.

When you connect the app to the target phone, you will access all data in the mobile and the activities that have been performed.

Hoverwatch keylogger features

Hoverwatch keylogger records the keystrokes performed by while doing any activity on the target computer including visiting websites, use of webcam and screenshots that have been performed.

The monitoring is done secretly and the target computer user cannot know that their keystrokes have been recorded and tracked. Hoverwatch presents keyloggers for both Windows and Mac.


The Hoverwatch keylogger works in stealth. The target device user can never know that they have been tracked. The software is not visible in the task manager or in the start menu in the installed apps.

The keyboard logger records every action performed on the target PC or laptop – it records all the keystrokes.

GPS Phone Tracker

Even if the user uses Virtual Keyboard, it can record them as well.

Hoverwatch enables webcam shots. When the target PC is being used, you can take webcam shots of the person. It is done automatically and it enables to know who is using the target PC.

The Windows keylogger can store the addresses of every website visited by the target PC user.

It also stores screenshots, clipboard, camera shots and keyboard activity.


The Mac keylogger function records actions done by a physical or virtual keyboard.

The feature stores messages emails, search requests, contact names, etc.. It saves all messages from Facebook and Skype.

Hoverwatch Mac keylogger is completely hidden – no target Mac user can see it.

The keylogger stores all types of passwords. If you wish, you can disable this feature from the settings panel.

It stores message sent from chats like Skype, iChat, iMessage, Adium.

The key logger stores the URLs, page titles, the time details as done on search engines like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari.

The keylogger takes screenshots from the target PC automatically. This is important because it gets information on the visited website.

It also stores text messages typed with a keyboard.

You will get a report web account at any time you wish to access it.

How safe is to use a Hoverwatch keylogger?

It is safe to use Hoverwatch keylogger.

The most important thing about the keylogger is that the target for PC user cannot know that their keystrokes are being recorded and tracked.

When the keylogger is installed in Windows or Mac, it doesn’t cause any negative impact on the PC like slowing down or any other impact. It’s completely safe.

Conclusions and results

Installing a GPS phone tracker is highly useful when there is a need for tracking people. Whether you are a concerned parent, employer, spouse or a professional who wants to know user experience installing GPS tracker will help you understand the functionality of the phone tracker. It can help you monitor and track your kids’ online activities when their away from home at school or elsewhere.

Employees can track their employees, and suspicious spouses can know their wife/husband – physically where they are.

While installing the GPS phone tracker, check out whether it is possible to install it remotely. If a remote installation is not possible and you can access the target phone it’s fine. If you cannot access the phone physically and remote installation is not possible, making a call you can know the data on the target phone. This, we’ve have discussed in a preceding paragraph.

Take care of the legal implications and the relationship between you and the target phone user. You cannot afford to lose or embitter your relationship. Do it sensibly by using a GPS phone tracker.

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