Is MilfPlace Safe to Use? A Review

MilfPlace markets itself as a platform for people seeking to chat with “moms and milfs”. However, based on research and user reviews, there are serious concerns about its legitimacy and safety. Here, we are going to review MilfPlace to help you determine if it is safe to use.

What Is MilfPlace?

MilfPlace is owned by Creative Network Alliance SP.Z.O.O based in Poland. It was created on July 27, 2017. The site claims to connect users with milfs and moms interested in entertaining chats.

On the landing page, MilfPlace displays a picture of a sexy woman to attract visitors. It also provides chat tips for users. According to the site, members are guaranteed chat partners because it supposedly has a large global member base.

Use of Fake Profiles and Chatbots

Our investigation found that MilfPlace relies on fake profiles and chatbots, rather than real members, to engage users.

We registered on the site and found automated and scripted messages from several profiles. The replies were often irrelevant, indicating they were chatbots.

MilfPlace also admits in its own terms and conditions that it uses “virtual profiles” to “improve user interaction”. So members are essentially chatting with fake profiles without realizing it.

Expensive Coin-Based Payment System

MilfPlace does not offer a subscription plan. Instead, it uses an expensive coin-based system for access to chats.

Users must first purchase “coins” to exchange messages. Each message can cost around 50 coins, with 200 coins priced at $7.49. So for that price, users can only send 4 messages.

This system is designed to maximize revenue from unsuspecting users who believe they are chatting with real people.

Mostly Bad Reviews from Users

There are hardly any positive reviews about MilfPlace found online. Most describe it as a “total scam” or “money trap”.

Many users report being charged expensive fees without actually meeting or chatting with real members. The profiles they interacted with turned out to be fake or chatbots.

High Risk of Losing Money

Based on multiple user reviews and our own analysis, there is a very high risk of losing money on MilfPlace without getting anything worthwhile in return.

The site relies on deception and trickery to keep users subscribed and purchasing coins. Since profiles are fake, the chance of having a real connection is extremely low.

Is MilfPlace Safe to Use?

Given the overwhelming evidence of fake profiles, chatbots, bad reviews, and scam reports, MilfPlace seems very unsafe to use.

There is a huge risk that users will end up spending a lot of money chatting with non-existent people. Most never succeed in having a real chat or meeting someone from the site.

For these reasons, we strongly advise against using MilfPlace in its current form. Users are better off avoiding this platform altogether due to the high probability of getting scammed.


MilfPlace employs deceptive tactics like fake profiles and expensive coin-based payments to take advantage of users seeking intimate chats.

It does not deliver on its promises and most people report feeling ripped off after using the site. There are too many red flags to ignore.

Until MilfPlace improves its transparency and eliminates fake profiles, it will remain an unsafe platform with a high scam risk. We recommend staying away and using more reputable dating sites instead.

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