How To Unblur Course Hero Reddit Free Guide

These days, Reddit considered the best platform to search for the best answer for every problem. Hence, many students are also asking how to unblur course hero Reddit solution. Therefore, we decided to give the key to unblur Course Hero free. 

How can Reddit help to unblur Course Hero?

Whether you are searching for the best online learning material or need some free tips for your project, dozens of Reddit subchannels are available to get your answer free. In these subchannels, you can simply join and ask any question related to the group. Similarly, Reddit also has the answer to the question “how to unblur Course Hero?”

unblur course hero reddit

How To Unblur Course Hero Reddit (4 Methods)

Method 1: Upload And Unblur 

One of the simplest ways to unblur your favourite document on Course Hero is to upload any original documents and unblur any Course Hero file. On the upload of every ten approved files, you will get five courses to unblur or unlock. With this method, you can unblur any Course Hero file for free.

Method 2: Course Hero Subscription 

If you want to use the course daily or you often need to unblur documents, then you can go with an official Hero subscription for $39.95/month for a month, $19.95/month for a 3-month subscription (one up-front payment of $59.85), or $9.95/month for a yearly subscription (an up-front fee of $119.40).

Method 3: Unblur Course Hero Free On iPhone or Android

You can use the Course Hero++ app (the clone app of Course Hero) to get every content free from the original Course Hero app. Android users can directly go to the sixth step. 

  1. Open the Settings app on your iPhone.
  2. Tap on Battery and make sure that “Low Power Mode” is turned off. 
  3. Next, go to the “General” settings. 
  4. Tap on “Background App Refresh” and again tap “Background App Refresh.”
  5. Now select “Wi-Fi & Mobile Data.”
  6. After that, you need to open any browser on your iPhone and go to the ‘’
  7. When you are on ‘’, search for ‘Course Hero++’ and then tap Get next to Course Hero++.
  8. At the middle bottom, tap on the rectangular box and tap on “Add To Home Screen.”
  9. Set the name of the app and tap on “Add” at the right top corner.

Method 4: Unblur Course Hero Free On Windows 

If you want to unlblut Course Hero file on PC, you can also do it by following the steps below.

  1. Login to the Course Hero on website on Google Chrome browser.
  2. Next, open the document file you want to unblur.
  3. Right-click on the blurred part and select ‘Inspect’ from the menu.
  4. Now you will see the full information in the code. Find ‘div’ tag with an anon-hide obscured parameter. You can also use ‘Ctrl + F’ and search for keywords “obscured” or “hide” if you don’t find the div tag right away.
  5. After that, right-click on the tag and select ‘Edit Attribute’ from the menu. 
  6. Then, type ‘none’ for the new ‘class’ element and press the ‘Enter’ key.

The Conclusion

In this article, we provided four methods to unblur Course Hero files. I hope you followed the method carefully and enjoyed the guide. If you are familiar with any other way to unblur the Course Here document, then please share with us through the comment section. 

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