Yamaha TZR 80 4BA Lenkerschalter rechts Bremssattel Vorne Bremspumpe #2347

Yamaha TZR 80 4BA Lenkerschalter rechts Bremssattel Vorne Bremspumpe #2347
Yamaha TZR 80 4BA Lenkerschalter rechts Bremssattel Vorne Bremspumpe #2347
Yamaha TZR 80 4BA Lenkerschalter rechts Bremssattel Vorne Bremspumpe #2347
Yamaha TZR 80 4BA Lenkerschalter rechts Bremssattel Vorne Bremspumpe #2347
Yamaha TZR 80 4BA Lenkerschalter rechts Bremssattel Vorne Bremspumpe #2347
Yamaha TZR 80 4BA Lenkerschalter rechts Bremssattel Vorne Bremspumpe #2347
Yamaha TZR 80 4BA Lenkerschalter rechts Bremssattel Vorne Bremspumpe #2347
Yamaha TZR 80 4BA Lenkerschalter rechts Bremssattel Vorne Bremspumpe #2347
Yamaha TZR 80 4BA Lenkerschalter rechts Bremssattel Vorne Bremspumpe #2347
Yamaha TZR 80 4BA Lenkerschalter rechts Bremssattel Vorne Bremspumpe #2347
Yamaha TZR 80 4BA Lenkerschalter rechts Bremssattel Vorne Bremspumpe #2347
Yamaha TZR 80 4BA Lenkerschalter rechts Bremssattel Vorne Bremspumpe #2347

$83.13 Buy It Now or Best Offer
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Location: Nürnberg
Ships to: US,
Item: 126689622020

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Aufgrund des One-Stop-Shop (OSS) Verfahrens beliefern wir keine EU-Länder. Der Grund dafür ist, dass trotz der Vereinfachung durch das OSS-Verfahren die Komplexität und der administrative Aufwand für die Mehrwertsteuerabrechnung in verschiedenen EU-Ländern erheblich sind. Aus diesenGrund haben wir beschlossen, den Verkauf und Versand an EU-Länder einzustellen. Wir bitten um Ihr Verständnis. Sie können jedoch weiterhin bei uns kaufen, wenn Sie eine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben. Due to the One-Stop-Shop (OSS) procedure, we do not deliver to EU countries. The reason for this is that, despite the simplification provided by the OSS procedure, the complexity and administrative burden of VAT accounting in various EU countries are substantial. For this reason, we have decided to stop selling and shipping to EU countries. We ask for your understanding. However, you can still purchase from us if you have a delivery address in Germany. Yamaha TZR 80 4BA Lenkerschalter rechts Bremssattel Vorne Bremspumpe. Zustand: “Gebraucht”. Versand mit DHL Paket. Current information on shipping and delivery by Deutsche Post DHLNorth, South and Central America & The CaribbeanCanada:Items (i.e., letters, small packages, Warenpost items and parcels) can generally be sent to Canada. Until further notice, parcels without Premium service will be transported to Canada by ocean freight only due to very limited transport capacities. Customers should expect significantly longer transit times.Brazil: Service to Brazil (for letters, small packages, Warenpost items and parcels) is available. For private customers: Until further notice, the only option available for sending parcels to Brazil is with the Premium service. For business customers/contract customers: DHL Paket International service is available until further notice. Please note that an international crisis surcharge of EUR 2.60 per kilogram (or part thereof) will be applied to each parcel.French Guiana: Because transport capacity to French Guiana is considerably reduced at this time, only limited letter and parcel service is available at present. Service has resumed for letter mail items weighing up to 500 g and with a maximum thickness of 2 cm (i.e. documents sent as individual letter mail, kilo-rate mail, etc.) with immediate effect. However, service for parcels, Warenpost and Päckchen products as well as letter mail items weighing over 500 g or with a thickness of more than 2 cm is suspended until further notice. USA: At this time, transport capacities to the US are considerably reduced. In light of this, special measures are required in order to maintain mail and parcel service. Merchandise shipments for private customers: Depending on the availability of transport capacity, we reserve the right until further notice to ship US-bound parcels (Päckchen and Paket) without Premium service via ocean freight. Please note that these items may be subject to very lengthy transit times of up to 60 days. For faster merchandise shipment service, customers can still choose DHL Paket International with Premium service; in this case, items are shipped to the US via air freight. Merchandise shipments for business/contract customers: Warenpost and parcel service to the USA remains available. DHL Paket International items will be transported via air freight with an international crisis surcharge, currently EUR 1.85 per kilogram (or part thereof). This crisis surcharge applies to both Economy and Premium parcels.Chile Over the last few weeks, the transport market for the destination Chile has relaxed slightly and air transport capacity is once again available. As a result, we can partially resume service for merchandise items. Service has resumed for letter mail items weighing up to 500 g and with a maximum thickness of 2 cm (i.e. documents sent as individual letter mail, kilo-rate mail, etc.). Warenpost and Päckchen products are not available for shipment to Chile until further notice. Private customers: Parcel service to Chile via the Premium service has been resumed until further notice. For business/contract customers: DHL Paket International service is available until further notice. Please note that an international crisis surcharge of EUR 3.90 per kilogram (or part thereof) will be applied to each parcel.AsiaJapan: Service to Japan for letters, small packages (Päckchen), Warenpost items and parcels is available. Due to limited transport capacity, customers can expect longer transit times, especially for Päckchen and Economy Paket products. For business/contract customers: Please note that starting October 26, 2020, a reduced international crisis surcharge of EUR 1.00 per kilogram (or part thereof) will be applied to each DHL Paket International Premium item. DHL Paket International Economy items will no longer be subject to the international crisis surcharge as of October 26, 2020.Singapore: Service to Singapore (for letters, small packages, Warenpost items and parcels) is available. For business customers/contract customers: DHL Paket International service is available until further notice. Please note that an international crisis surcharge of EUR 1.60 per kilogram (or part thereof) will be applied to each parcel.Taiwan: Service to Taiwan for letters, small packages (Päckchen), Warenpost items and parcels is available. For business/contract customers: Please note that an international crisis surcharge of EUR 2.30 per kilogram (or part thereof) will be applied to each DHL Paket International shipment. Beginning February 1, 2021, this crisis surcharge will be reduced to EUR 1.00 per kilogram (or part thereof).Australia & OceaniaAustralia: Because transport capacity to Australia is very limited at this time, special measures are required to maintain letter and parcel service. For some products, we have developed a solution that combines air transport to the Middle East or South Asia with subsequent ocean transport, which allows us to avoid re-routing service suspensions. Please note that this combined air/ocean rerouting will result in very lengthy transit times. At present, timeframes of 40 days or more can be expected for service to Australia, where transit times are also being impacted by import customs clearance processes at the ports. Should shipment volumes exceed capacity on the direct flights that are available, we reserve the right to transport additional products to the destination country via this combined solution. Shipping documents: Service for letter mail items weighing up to 500 g and with a maximum thickness of 2 cm is generally by air freight. Letter mail service for items weighing over 500 g or with a maximum thickness of over 2 cm is generally via the air/ocean rerouting described above. These terms also apply for Dialogpost International and Presse International items.. Merchandise shipments for private customers: Until further notice, small packages (Päckchen) and parcels (Paket) without Premium service will be sent via combined air/ocean transport. Franking is only possible online. For faster delivery of merchandise, we recommend shipping via Parcel with Premium service. With this product, transport to Australia is via air freight. It can be ordered online and in retail outlets. Merchandise shipments for business/contract customers: Warenpost items can be sent to Australia. Please note that until further notice, these items will also be shipped via combined air/ocean freight as described above. DHL Paket International Economy parcels will also be transported via combined air/ocean freight. The international crisis surcharge does not apply to these items. DHL Paket International Premium will continue to be transported via air freight, and an international crisis surcharge, currently EUR 3.60 per kilogram (or part thereof), will be applied. The restrictions also apply to shipments to Tasmania and Lord Howe Island. New Zealand: Because transport capacity to New Zealand is very limited at this time, special measures are required to maintain letter and parcel service. For some products, we have developed a solution that combines air transport to the Middle East or South Asia with subsequent ocean transport, which allows us to avoid re-routing service suspensions. Please note that this combined air/ocean rerouting will result in very lengthy transit times. At present, timeframes of 50 days or more can be expected for service to New Zealand, where transit times are also being impacted by import customs clearance processes at the ports. Should shipment volumes exceed capacity on the direct flights that are available, we reserve the right to transport additional products to the destination country via this combined solution. Shipping documents: Service for letter mail items weighing up to 500 g and with a maximum thickness of 2 cm is generally by air freight. Letter mail service for items weighing over 500 g or with a maximum thickness of over 2 cm is generally via the air/ocean rerouting described above. These terms also apply for Dialogpost International and Presse International items. Merchandise shipments for private customers: Until further notice, small packages (Päckchen) and parcels (Paket) without Premium service will be sent via combined air/ocean transport. Until further notice, franking is only possible online. For faster delivery of merchandise, we recommend shipping via Parcel with Premium service. With this product, transport is via air freight. It can be ordered online and in retail outlets. Merchandise shipments for business/contract customers: Warenpost items can be sent to New Zealand. Please note that until further notice, these items will also be shipped via combined air/ocean freight as described above. DHL Paket International Economy parcels will also be transported via combined air/ocean freight. The international crisis surcharge does not apply to these items. DHL Paket International Premium will continue to be transported via air freight, and an international crisis surcharge, currently EUR 2.30 per kilogram (or part thereof), will be applied. The restrictions also apply to New Zealand’s outlying islands. Current information on shipping and delivery by Deutsche Post DHLNorth, South and Central America & The CaribbeanCanada:Items (i.e., letters, small packages, Warenpost items and parcels) can generally be sent to Canada. Until further notice, parcels without Premium service will be transported to Canada by ocean freight only due to very limited transport capacities. Customers should expect significantly longer transit times.Brazil: Service to Brazil (for letters, small packages, Warenpost items and parcels) is available. For private customers: Until further notice, the only option available for sending parcels to Brazil is with the Premium service. For business customers/contract customers: DHL Paket International service is available until further notice. Please note that an international crisis surcharge of EUR 2.60 per kilogram (or part thereof) will be applied to each parcel.French Guiana: Because transport capacity to French Guiana is considerably reduced at this time, only limited letter and parcel service is available at present. Service has resumed for letter mail items weighing up to 500 g and with a maximum thickness of 2 cm (i.e. documents sent as individual letter mail, kilo-rate mail, etc.) with immediate effect. However, service for parcels, Warenpost and Päckchen products as well as letter mail items weighing over 500 g or with a thickness of more than 2 cm is suspended until further notice. USA: At this time, transport capacities to the US are considerably reduced. In light of this, special measures are required in order to maintain mail and parcel service. Merchandise shipments for private customers: Depending on the availability of transport capacity, we reserve the right until further notice to ship US-bound parcels (Päckchen and Paket) without Premium service via ocean freight. Please note that these items may be subject to very lengthy transit times of up to 60 days. For faster merchandise shipment service, customers can still choose DHL Paket International with Premium service; in this case, items are shipped to the US via air freight. Merchandise shipments for business/contract customers: Warenpost and parcel service to the USA remains available. DHL Paket International items will be transported via air freight with an international crisis surcharge, currently EUR 1.85 per kilogram (or part thereof). This crisis surcharge applies to both Economy and Premium parcels.Chile Over the last few weeks, the transport market for the destination Chile has relaxed slightly and air transport capacity is once again available. As a result, we can partially resume service for merchandise items. Service has resumed for letter mail items weighing up to 500 g and with a maximum thickness of 2 cm (i.e. documents sent as individual letter mail, kilo-rate mail, etc.). Warenpost and Päckchen products are not available for shipment to Chile until further notice. Private customers: Parcel service to Chile via the Premium service has been resumed until further notice. For business/contract customers: DHL Paket International service is available until further notice. Please note that an international crisis surcharge of EUR 3.90 per kilogram (or part thereof) will be applied to each parcel.AsiaJapan: Service to Japan for letters, small packages (Päckchen), Warenpost items and parcels is available. Due to limited transport capacity, customers can expect longer transit times, especially for Päckchen and Economy Paket products. For business/contract customers: Please note that starting October 26, 2020, a reduced international crisis surcharge of EUR 1.00 per kilogram (or part thereof) will be applied to each DHL Paket International Premium item. DHL Paket International Economy items will no longer be subject to the international crisis surcharge as of October 26, 2020.Singapore: Service to Singapore (for letters, small packages, Warenpost items and parcels) is available. For business customers/contract customers: DHL Paket International service is available until further notice. Please note that an international crisis surcharge of EUR 1.60 per kilogram (or part thereof) will be applied to each parcel.Taiwan: Service to Taiwan for letters, small packages (Päckchen), Warenpost items and parcels is available. For business/contract customers: Please note that an international crisis surcharge of EUR 2.30 per kilogram (or part thereof) will be applied to each DHL Paket International shipment. Beginning February 1, 2021, this crisis surcharge will be reduced to EUR 1.00 per kilogram (or part thereof).Australia & OceaniaAustralia: Because transport capacity to Australia is very limited at this time, special measures are required to maintain letter and parcel service. For some products, we have developed a solution that combines air transport to the Middle East or South Asia with subsequent ocean transport, which allows us to avoid re-routing service suspensions. Please note that this combined air/ocean rerouting will result in very lengthy transit times. At present, timeframes of 40 days or more can be expected for service to Australia, where transit times are also being impacted by import customs clearance processes at the ports. Should shipment volumes exceed capacity on the direct flights that are available, we reserve the right to transport additional products to the destination country via this combined solution. Shipping documents: Service for letter mail items weighing up to 500 g and with a maximum thickness of 2 cm is generally by air freight. Letter mail service for items weighing over 500 g or with a maximum thickness of over 2 cm is generally via the air/ocean rerouting described above. These terms also apply for Dialogpost International and Presse International items.. Merchandise shipments for private customers: Until further notice, small packages (Päckchen) and parcels (Paket) without Premium service will be sent via combined air/ocean transport. Franking is only possible online. For faster delivery of merchandise, we recommend shipping via Parcel with Premium service. With this product, transport to Australia is via air freight. It can be ordered online and in retail outlets. Merchandise shipments for business/contract customers: Warenpost items can be sent to Australia. Please note that until further notice, these items will also be shipped via combined air/ocean freight as described above. DHL Paket International Economy parcels will also be transported via combined air/ocean freight. The international crisis surcharge does not apply to these items. DHL Paket International Premium will continue to be transported via air freight, and an international crisis surcharge, currently EUR 3.60 per kilogram (or part thereof), will be applied. The restrictions also apply to shipments to Tasmania and Lord Howe Island. New Zealand: Because transport capacity to New Zealand is very limited at this time, special measures are required to maintain letter and parcel service. For some products, we have developed a solution that combines air transport to the Middle East or South Asia with subsequent ocean transport, which allows us to avoid re-routing service suspensions. Please note that this combined air/ocean rerouting will result in very lengthy transit times. At present, timeframes of 50 days or more can be expected for service to New Zealand, where transit times are also being impacted by import customs clearance processes at the ports. Should shipment volumes exceed capacity on the direct flights that are available, we reserve the right to transport additional products to the destination country via this combined solution. Shipping documents: Service for letter mail items weighing up to 500 g and with a maximum thickness of 2 cm is generally by air freight. Letter mail service for items weighing over 500 g or with a maximum thickness of over 2 cm is generally via the air/ocean rerouting described above. These terms also apply for Dialogpost International and Presse International items. Merchandise shipments for private customers: Until further notice, small packages (Päckchen) and parcels (Paket) without Premium service will be sent via combined air/ocean transport. Until further notice, franking is only possible online. For faster delivery of merchandise, we recommend shipping via Parcel with Premium service. With this product, transport is via air freight. It can be ordered online and in retail outlets. Merchandise shipments for business/contract customers: Warenpost items can be sent to New Zealand. Please note that until further notice, these items will also be shipped via combined air/ocean freight as described above. DHL Paket International Economy parcels will also be transported via combined air/ocean freight. The international crisis surcharge does not apply to these items. DHL Paket International Premium will continue to be transported via air freight, and an international crisis surcharge, currently EUR 2.30 per kilogram (or part thereof), will be applied. The restrictions also apply to New Zealand’s outlying islands.

Frequently Asked Questions About Yamaha TZR 80 4BA Lenkerschalter rechts Bremssattel Vorne Bremspumpe #2347 in My Website

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